Diana Vickers the actress and singer who shot to fame on the X Factor in 2008, who is original from Lancashire and is now based in east London. Speak’s ahead of the screening, ‘To Dream’ which is opening the British Urban Film Festival, to read this interview, check out the link below. http://www.standard.co.uk/show biz/celebrity-news/rocky-horro r-star-diana-vickers-i-ll- […]

The founder of BUFF (British Urban Film Festival) Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe with, Actress Isis Davis and Actor, writer, Daniel Rustaeu, interviewed by Linda E, on Pulse88 radio, check out the link below. https://m.mixcloud.com/Linda_e 1/the-linda-e-show-feat-the-br itish-urban-film-festival-buff /?play=fb&fb_action_ids=101537 41657748456&fb_action_types= mixcloud%3Aupload

Wandsworth Radio interview with the founder of BUFF (British Urban Film Festival) Mr Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe, live with Simmy King, catch this interview on the link below. https://www.mixcloud.com/Simmy k/the-simmy-king-show-friday-w ith-live-interview-with-the-fo under-of-buff-mr-emmanuel-anyi am-osigwe/

Wandsworth Radio interview with Actor Aubrey Whyte and Actress, Producer Maia Watkins on the Simmy King show, talking about their roles in the new films “Residential” and “Soldier”, check out the link below. https://www.mixcloud.com/Simmy k/the-simmy-king-show-friday- 26th-august-interview-with- actor-aubrey-whyte-and-actress -maia-watkins/

BUFF Filmmakers DJ Taylor and Wayne Campbell, the makers of “Environmental Products” and “Questionable Prejudice”, feature on Colourful Radio. To listen and to catch this further, check out the link below. http://multimedia.colourfulrad io.com/podcasts/sloan/2016-08- 25-1100.mp3

Closing the British Urban Film Festival, this year will be the UK-based “Yardie drama’, “Residential”, featured in the Voice newspaper, to check this article out, click on the link below. http://www.voice-online.co.uk/article/uk-based-yardie-drama-close-british-urban-film-festival

British Urban Film Festival reveals 2016 line-up with the World Premiere of “To Dream” at the Odeon Camden Town, the 2rd annual British Urban Film Festival awards from the Hilton London Tower Bridge. Three nights of short film screenings with, Love shorts at the Odeon camden Town, Saturday night shorts at the Odeon Camden Town […]

Winner to be announced at the BUFF Awards ceremony on 18 September. Laya Lewis, Abrantee Boateng, Johnny Sachon and Joseph Marshall have been shortlisted for the British Urban Film Festival Best Emerging Talent Award, sponsored by BBC Films. The award, celebrating the work of emerging talent in urban independent film, is in its’ second year having been […]

The 7-day event features its’ biggest ever line-up of selections with 43 screenings.   BUFF 2016 begins on Wednesday 14 September with the World Premiere of “To Dream” (starring Adam Deacon, Diana Vickers, Ed Hayter & Freddie Thorp) at Odeon Camden Town, directed by newcomer Nicole Albarelli. Other highlights include: The 2nd annual British Urban […]