If it feels like the frequency of buff blogs are being stepped up, the signs are that the festival is getting nearer. This year’s event marks the 5th annual gathering of filmmakers, the media and the general public to the British Urban Film Festival, now widely accepted as the first stop for urban films. As the […]

This time 5 years ago, Noel Clarke was playing Billie Piper’s screen boyfriend in Doctor Who. Since then, our man Noel not only starred in ‘Kidulthood’ (recently screened again on BBC3), he went onto write and direct its’ sequel, ‘Adulthood’ – collecting a Bafta along the way. He has since starred in ‘Heartless’ and ‘Centurion’. […]

With the election imminent, it is widely assumed that out of the 650 odd MP’s who represent their various constituencies up and down the UK, half of them will have to find new employment after the electorate have had their say. There will be a fair few MP’s doing their utmost to hold on to […]

British urban film is a new genre and everyone’s excited by what’s happening in urban music. It’s been a great year and there’s that same sense of excitement in film – it’s our time. And whilst one is always looking for that opportunity to blow its’ own trumpet, those opening remarks were quoted by Mo […]

The phrase ‘joined at the hip’ springs to mind immediately when it comes to the argument that winners at the Golden Globes then go on to double up at the Baftas before claiming the hat-trick at the Oscars…suffice to say that only 1 person achieved the hat-trick on a what turned out to be yet […]

Has it really been just over a month since the death of Michael Jackson. Such was the coverage that even the other memorial ceremony that took place on 7/7 (in London’s Hyde Park) was barely mentioned. Speaking of 7/7, it was on that very day that Buff Enterprises was supposed to have been incorporated. Needless […]

The gospel truth is that the theme for this BUFF blog was going to be entrepreneurship and the challenges and internal struggle that we all go through day in day out – I can personally vouch for that after the events of the past month. As it turned out, the month started with the final […]

Official. This is the 2nd edition of the gospel truth, taking a look at the most powerful institution ever created – the media – and putting its’ own spin on things. Previously on this blog, the discussion focused on Britain’s Got Talent and the issue about Susan Boyle’s buffness. Needless to say, it did become […]

  How many times can one tell the gospel truth? The aim of this blog is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the gospel truth, well 99.9% of the truth, which means that whatever gets published here cannot be misconstrued in any other way than what you are actually reading and […]